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... kranthi kumar makkad 45 211373 sc sanjay kumar samal 46 211422 st srinivasa rao garikapati 47 ... vikash kumar keshri 193 215102 sc gundam sharavani 194 215115 ob vadla sreenivasula achari 195 215117 ...
Sl# No# Name of the Student S/o or D/o H#No# Street Village Mandal District Sub-Tribe College Course Name Course Year Amount Sanctioned Date of Sanction; 1.0
A B C D E F; 1: S.NO. Satyam Ref Number: HTNO: NAME OF THE STUDENT: BRANCH: COLLEGE: 2: 1: JKC-ONG-0001: Y7MC13058: Venkateswara Raotadivaka: MCA: Hindu College of PG Courses
A B C D E F G H; 1: Campus Placement Mission 2008: 2: List of short listed candidates for WIPRO Recruitment Process: 3: Venue: Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Science, Rajampet ...
... kranthi kumar makkad 45 211373 sc sanjay kumar samal 46 211422 st srinivasa rao garikapati 47 ... vikash kumar keshri 193 215102 sc gundam sharavani 194 215115 ob vadla sreenivasula achari 195 ...
Sl# No# Name of the Student S/o or D/o H#No# Street Village Mandal District Sub-Tribe College Course Name Course Year Amount Sanctioned Date of Sanction; 1.0
A B C D E F; 1: S.NO. Satyam Ref Number: HTNO: NAME OF THE STUDENT: BRANCH: COLLEGE: 2: 1: JKC-ONG-0001: Y7MC13058: Venkateswara Raotadivaka: MCA: Hindu College of PG Courses