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M.Sriganesh: NIT TRICHY: LOGICAL MECHANICS: S.R.Balaji: NIT TRICHY: SIMPLETON LOGIC ... Abhijith Vijayan: Amrita, Kerala: BYXTROCZARZ: K.A.Charith Appachu: PSG, Coimbatore Application No: Name: House Number & Street: Area: Pin code: 1: 5614: SAKTHIVEL M: E/31, POLICE QUARTERS, SATHYAMOORTHY NAGAR, AVADI, 600054: 2: 5619: SALVIO DERICK F
Joshi, Niranjan and Sita, G and Ramakrishnan, AG and Deepu, V and Madhvanath, Sriganesh (2005) ... Chandra, AK and Sudhindra, BS and Vijayan, M and Ramasarma, T (1978) A theory on the ...
Joshi, Niranjan and Sita, G and Ramakrishnan, AG and Deepu, V and Madhvanath, Sriganesh (2005) Machine recognition of online handwritten Devanagari characters.
B. vinoth kumar [email protected] 9994203449 &+971505223257 VH135 civil 2007 Vel Hightech Vijayan
M.Sriganesh: NIT TRICHY: LOGICAL MECHANICS: S.R.Balaji: NIT TRICHY: SIMPLETON LOGIC ... Abhijith Vijayan: Amrita, Kerala: BYXTROCZARZ: K.A.Charith Appachu: PSG, Coimbatore Application No: Name: House Number & Street: Area: Pin code: 1: 5614: SAKTHIVEL M: E/31, POLICE QUARTERS, SATHYAMOORTHY NAGAR, AVADI, 600054: 2: 5619: SALVIO DERICK F
Joshi, Niranjan and Sita, G and Ramakrishnan, AG and Deepu, V and Madhvanath, Sriganesh ... Chandra, AK and Sudhindra, BS and Vijayan, M and Ramasarma, T (1978) A theory on the ...