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Title: Cryogen-free low temperature and high magnetic field apparatus: Authors: Kaushik, S D Singh, Anil K Srikala, D Patnaik, S: Keywords: Liquid helium
Author(s): Srikala D, Singh VN, Banerjee A, Mehta, B R Source: JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY Volume: 10 Issue: 12 Pages: 8088-8094 Published: DEC 2010
Kaushik, S D; Singh, Anil K; Srikala, D; Patnaik, S: 334-338: View Full Text: Structural and optical studies of chemically prepared CdS nanocrystalline thin films
b srikala d/o rajaiah : renewal : f: bpc-ii: bc-d: yadav: 215: 43: 40: a jyothi d/o mallesh: renewal : f: bpc-ii: bc-a: mangali: 215: 44: 41: t swathi d/o shanker: renewal : f: bpc-ii
Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics. Vol. 46, December 2008, pp. 825-832 Spectral and thermal analysis of Sm 3+ and Dy 3+: B 2 O 3-BaO-LiF/AlF 3 glasses
Title: Cryogen-free low temperature and high magnetic field apparatus: Authors: Kaushik, S D Singh, Anil K Srikala, D Patnaik, S: Keywords: Liquid helium
Author(s): Srikala D, Singh VN, Banerjee A, Mehta, B R Source: JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY Volume: 10 Issue: 12 Pages: 8088-8094 Published: DEC 2010
Chanchal; Garg, A K: 330-333: View Full Text: Cryogen-free low temperature and high magnetic field apparatus: Kaushik, S D; Singh, Anil K; Srikala, D; Patnaik, S