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“As per the panchayat records, the land has been registered by Mantri Developers under the names of D.V. Mallikarjun, J.M. Subramanya and G. Srinivas Rangan.
Yogesha T., Saran S. Anand & Srinivas Rangan, G. R. Cooperative Transmission for Random Access OFDMA Network using Rayleigh fading ...
a b c d e f g h; 1: elg. no: staff no: name (s/shri/smt/ms) cat: dd/mm/yy: present circle: circle alloted on promotion
ANDHRA PRADESH: S.No: Name & Designation: Batch: Present Address: Permanent Address: B. R. V. Chalapathi . Joint Director (Retired) 1965-67 : Nandigama Bhimsen Rao
[Jul 10, 2010] “As per the panchayat records, the land has been registered by Mantri Developers under the names of D.V. Mallikarjun, J.M. Subramanya and G. Srinivas Rangan.
Yogesha T., Saran S. Anand & Srinivas Rangan, G. R. Cooperative Transmission for Random Access OFDMA Network using Rayleigh ...
ANDHRA PRADESH: S.No: Name & Designation: Batch: Present Address: Permanent Address: B. R. V. Chalapathi . Joint Director (Retired) 1965-67 : Nandigama Bhimsen Rao