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Subhendra Nayak: VS10CUT20223: 88.1%: Bibhuti Bhusana Patro: Kanaka Durga Bidyapitha: Polasara: Orissa: 5: S Lalita Kumari: VS09CUT08321: 88.1%: T. Sahoo: M.A.V. School
LDM 42 ENGG KGP 7/26/05 Subhendra Nayak Jr. TKM Mis Disputed claim. LDM 43 ENGG KGP 9/22/05 7644437 Sharada Prasad Sr.Trackman DE EPS/Engg/16 Court case pending.
Subhendra Nayak: Jr. TKM: Mis: EPS/Engg/27/I. Disputed claim. Wife alive, son doubtful. Name differs with Railway records. TO issued on 26.05.07, waiting for claimants .S ...
Sl_No: Appl_No: Stream: Seat_No: Name of the Candidate: Gender: Language: 1: 110364: SA: A0610001: AATISH KUMAR PANDEY: Male English 2: 110206: SA: A0610002: ABHINNA CHANDRA DAS
Subhendra Nayak: VS10CUT20223: 88.1%: Bibhuti Bhusana Patro: Kanaka Durga Bidyapitha: Polasara: Orissa: 5: S Lalita Kumari: VS09CUT08321: 88.1%: T. Sahoo: M.A.V. School
LDM 42 ENGG KGP 7/26/05 Subhendra Nayak Jr. TKM Mis Disputed claim. LDM 43 ENGG KGP 9/22/05 7644437 Sharada Prasad Sr.Trackman DE EPS/Engg/16 Court case pending.
Sl_No: Appl_No: Stream: Seat_No: Name of the Candidate: Gender: Language: 1: 110364: SA: A0610001: AATISH KUMAR PANDEY: Male English 2: 110206: SA: A0610002: ABHINNA CHANDRA DAS
View the profiles of professionals named Subhendra Nayak on LinkedIn. There are 4 professionals named Subhendra Nayak, who use LinkedIn to exchange ...
Vishakhapatnam Area, India - Territory Sales Manager at Finar Chemicals LtdView Subhendra Nayak's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the ...
View the profiles of professionals on LinkedIn named Subhendra Nayak located ...
Pune Area, India - Lead-QA at SynechronView Subhendra Nayak's (India) professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is ...
3 posts - 2 authors - Last post: 7 May 2006Re: [SriSriThakur_Anukulchandra_Delhi_eForum] We miss you Subhendra Nayak !! Subhendra Da , Is it your new ID? Jayaguru Bijaya Ketan Sahu ...
4 posts - 2 authors - Last post: 6 May 2006SriSriThakur_Anukulchandra_Delhi_eForum: Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra.
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Mohanty, Subhendra, Nayak, S. N.. Pseudo-Goldstone bosons couple with photons through a P and T violating interaction of the form ${\cal {L_I}}=g_{a\gamma ...
by S Mohanty -