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You can well understand our agonies in this hot summer Thank you Sudhakar Akula Vice President, GSIEA Flat No. 502, Kubera Towers, DD Colony, Hyd 9392231888
Posted by Sudhakar Akula on 2008-07-17 09:00:51.588606+05:30 Nuclear Deal is blown out of proportion and become the National Crisis. It is unfortunate that the largest Democratic ...
Sudhakar Akula: MCA: O.U P.G College: 48: 43: 12906044: MoizAhmed: MCA: O.U P.G College: 49: 44: 12906047: ShakeelMohd: MCA: O.U P.G College: 50: 45: 12906051: Thirupathi Andhe: MCA
Sudhakar, Akula - Sudhakar, Bata; Sudhakar, Batale - Sudhakar, Chaviti; Sudhakar, Chede - Sudhakar, Donde; Sudhakar, Donga - Sudhakar, Golasangi; Sudhakar, Gole - Sudhakar, Jayanti
A B C D E F G H; 1: Campus Placement Mission 2008: 2: List of short listed candidates for WIPRO Recruitment Process: 3: Venue: Sri Indu College of Engineering & Technology Date: 25th ...
You can well understand our agonies in this hot summer Thank you Sudhakar Akula Vice President, GSIEA Flat No. 502, Kubera Towers, DD Colony, Hyd 9392231888
Sudhakar Akula: MCA: O.U P.G College: 48: 43: 12906044: MoizAhmed: MCA: O.U P.G College: 49: 44: 12906047: ShakeelMohd: MCA: O.U P.G College: 50: 45: 12906051: Thirupathi Andhe: MCA
Posted by Sudhakar Akula on 2008-07-17 09:00:51.588606+05:30 Nuclear Deal is blown out of proportion and become the National Crisis. It is unfortunate that the largest ...
Pitney Bowes Business Insight (Information Technology and Services industry): QA Software Engineer, (November 2007-July 2010)