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Publications in International Journals . Bang A., Deshpande S., Sumana A. and Gadagkar R. 2010 Choosing an appropriate index to construct dominance hierarchies in animal societies ...
Bhadra, Anindita and Iyer, Priya L and Sumana, A and Deshpandea, Sujata A and Ghosh, Saubhik and Gadagkar, Raghavendra (2007) How do workers of the primitively eusocial wasp Ropalidia ...
SUMANA "A Unit for Parent-infant programme." We accept young deaf child even before the first birthday,to break the silence world and to make
Background: Sumana, a long time Chinmaya Mission devotee and a long time associate with Project Anusaaraka, is bursting with enthusiasm post her visit to CIF, Käladi and ...
A comparative social network analysis of wasp colonies and classrooms: Linking network structure to functioning Anindita Bhadr a a, Ferenc Jorda ´ n b , c , *, A. Sumana a, Sujata A ...
Publications in International Journals . Bang A., Deshpande S., Sumana A. and Gadagkar R. 2010 Choosing an appropriate index to construct dominance hierarchies in animal ...
Bhadra, Anindita and Iyer, Priya L and Sumana, A and Deshpandea, Sujata A and Ghosh, Saubhik and Gadagkar, Raghavendra (2007) How do workers of the primitively eusocial wasp ...
SUMANA "A Unit for Parent-infant programme." We accept young deaf child even before the first birthday,to break the silence world and to make
28 Nov 2010 ... "Mahabharata: History or Myth" and "Internal Beauty of Sanskrit" by. Dr. N. R. Joshi Editor's Note: intends ...
Sumana A. สามเสนใน, ประเทศไทย. DAYS OUT 49; CHECK-INS128; THINGS DONE 3. Tips · POPULAR · RECENT · Pla Dib Restaurant. Must try mojito here ...
Sumana. A setthi of Sāvatthi. He was the father of Anāthapindika and Subhūti Thera. ... Sumana. A Pacceka Buddha of thirty one kappas ago, to whom, ...
Liebert, A., Sumana, A., and Starks, P. T. Diploid males and their triploid offspring in the paper wasp Polistes dominulus. Proceedings of the Royal Society ...
Sumana A Panda (sumanalp) is on Twitter. Sign up for Twitter to follow Sumana A Panda (sumanalp) and get their latest updates.
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Friends: Art Suwarnatemiya, Nan Nanocute, Vasin Bhuvasorakul, Chic Shop, Mor ChatadulAdd Fon Sumana as Friend|Send Fon Sumana a Message|View Fon Sumana's Friends. Here are some of Fon Sumana's friends: Art Suwarnatemiya · Art Suwarnatemiya ...
Bang A., Deshpande S., Sumana A. and Gadagkar R. 2010 Choosing an appropriate index to construct dominance hierarchies in animal societies: a comparison of ...
IBM ISTL-TES (Semiconductors industry): R & D Engineer, (August 2006-January 2010)