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Suryanarayanan, T. S., Murali, T. S. and Venkatesan, G., Occurrence and distribution of fungal endophytes in tropical forests across a rainfall gradient.
Murali TS, Suryanarayanan TS, Venkatesan G. 2007. Fungal endophyte communities in two tropical forests of southern India: diversity and host affiliation.
Suryanarayanan, T.S., Venkatesan, G. & Murali, T.S. (2003) Endophytic fungal communities in leaves of tropical forest trees: Diversity and distribution patterns.
Publications of VINSTROM. Murali, T.S., Suryanarayanan, T.S. and Venkatesan, G. (2007) Fungal endophyte communities in two tropical forests of southern India: diversity and host ...
Suryanarayanan, T. S., Venkatesan, G. and Murali, T. S., Curr. Sci. , 2003, 85 , 489-493. 9. Suryanarayanan, T. S., Wittlinger, S. K. and Faeth, S. H., Mycol. Res ., 2005, 109 , 635-639
Suryanarayanan, T. S., Murali, T. S. and Venkatesan, G., Occurrence and distribution of fungal endophytes in tropical forests across a rainfall gradient.
Murali TS, Suryanarayanan TS, Venkatesan G. 2007. Fungal endophyte communities in two tropical forests of southern India: diversity and host affiliation.
Suryanarayanan, T.S., Venkatesan, G. & Murali, T.S. (2003) Endophytic fungal communities in leaves of tropical forest trees: Diversity and distribution patterns.