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(e-mail: [email protected]) Endosulfan suppresses growth and reproduction in zebrafish Alagusundaram Balasubramani* and Thavamani Jegajothivel Pandian School of Biological Sciences ...
Pandian, Thavamani Jegajothivel (DOB: 15 June 1939), Sp: Biology; Animal energetics and genetics; Aquaculture; Fish genetics and breeding.
Pandian, Thavamani Jegajothivel . 1984 . 11. Biomedical Research; Eye lens protection; Biophysical chemistry; Spectroscopy . Balasubramanian, Dorairajan
... and expression of cDNA encoding growth hormone from Indian catfish (Heteropneustes fossili s) Vikas Anathy, Thayanithy Venugopal, Ramanathan Koteeswaran, Thavamani J Pandian and ...
1984 PANDIAN, Thavamani Jagajothivel (b. 1939) Ph.D.,Dr.rer.nat.(Kiel.),F.N.A.,F.A.Sc.,F.N.A.A.S.,F.T.W.A.S INSA Senior Scientist, Department of Genetics, School of Biological ...
(e-mail: [email protected]) Endosulfan suppresses growth and reproduction in zebrafish Alagusundaram Balasubramani* and Thavamani Jegajothivel Pandian School of Biological ...
Pandian, Thavamani Jegajothivel (DOB: 15 June 1939), Sp: Biology; Animal energetics and genetics; Aquaculture; Fish genetics and breeding
Pandian, Thavamani Jegajothivel . 1984 . 11. Biomedical Research; Eye lens protection; Biophysical chemistry; Spectroscopy . Balasubramanian, Dorairajan