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A B C D E F; 1: iregistrationid: szemail: name: szfather: from: subject: 2: 29: [email protected]: Raja Ranga: Raja: [email protected]: Hall Entry Ticket - Hindu Job Fair 2006
N TRINATH: ECE: Batch-I: Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology: 53: 49: 05E11A0461: Abhay Raj: ECE: Batch-I: Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t; 1: br: centre: pin: name: father: sex: ws: sub1: sub2: sub3: sub4: sub5: sub6: sub7: sub8: sub9: sub10: linkno: ddno_amount: fees_paid: 2: c: 028: 00028c 002: bhanu prakash gotru
TRINATH NAGELLA: Bharat Institute of Engineering & Technology: 254: 253: 05E11A2308: DEEPTHI DASARI: Bharat Institute of Engineering & Technology
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S; 1: distcode: distname: appno: htno: cname: fname: post: post_exp: subj_exp: med_exp: dobdate: gender: comm: local: marks: rank: ph: exser: remarks: 2: 05: WEST GODAVARI
A B C D E F; 1: iregistrationid: szemail: name: szfather: from: subject: 2: 29: [email protected]: Raja Ranga: Raja: [email protected]: Hall Entry Ticket - Hindu Job Fair 2006
N TRINATH: ECE: Batch-I: Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology: 53: 49: 05E11A0461: Abhay Raj: ECE: Batch-I: Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t; 1: br: centre: pin: name: father: sex: ws: sub1: sub2: sub3: sub4: sub5: sub6: sub7: sub8: sub9: sub10: linkno: ddno_amount: fees_paid: 2: c: 028: 00028c 002: bhanu prakash gotru
GECIS (Privately Held; 10,001+ employees; Outsourcing/Offshoring industry): Technical Associate, (2001-2006)
iGATE Global Solutions (Public Company; 5001-10,000 employees; IGTE; Information Technology and Services industry): Lead, (2006-2009)&...