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Ulka Mahajan ia a post graduate from Nirmala Niketan, Mumbai has been working in the Mangaon region since 1990 primarily with the Katkaris, a primitive tribe.
Ulka Mahajan said: “Questions need to be asked before the government just sides with corporate interests. Farmers need to be consulted before acquisition notices are sent.
Ulka Mahajan . Minar Vasudeo Pimple
SRUTI believes in the philosophy of struggle (sangarsh) and creation (nirman). Struggle is thus a pre-condition for creation. Struggle for collective functioning, struggle for ...
It should be given to a third party,” said Ulka Mahajan, director of the Society for ... Addressing the problem, Mr. Kothari and Mr. Jha said a workshop would be conducted ...
Ulka Mahajan ia a post graduate from Nirmala Niketan, Mumbai has been working in the Mangaon region since 1990 primarily with the Katkaris, a primitive tribe.
Ulka Mahajan told Frontline: The promoters identified some young men from the villages and employed them as agents to try and get the land.
Ulka Mahajan . Minar Vasudeo Pimple