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Raghu Vamshi Nathreddyyemi Reddy: ECE: Batch - I: 9:30 AM: 10:30 AM: G Pulla Reddy Engineering College: 181: 176: JKC08-MBNR-176: 20044061: Rajasekharchiruvella
A B C D E F G; 1: Campus Placement Mission 2008: 2: List of short listed candidates for WIPRO BPO Recruitment Process: 3: Venue:MLR Institute of Technology,Laxman Reddy Avenue, Dundigal ...
Raghu Vamshi Nathreddyyemi Reddy: ECE: Batch - I: 9:30 AM: 10:30 AM: G Pulla Reddy Engineering College: 181: 176: JKC08-MBNR-176: 20044061: Rajasekharchiruvella
A B C D E F G; 1: Campus Placement Mission 2008: 2: List of short listed candidates for WIPRO BPO Recruitment Process: 3: Venue:MLR Institute of Technology,Laxman Reddy Avenue ...
broadcom (Public Company; BRCM; Semiconductors industry): Staff-I Engineer, (April 2008-August 2010)