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Dr. Vikas Pruthi: Professor: Biotechnology: 5530: 5110: 9837185707: 5: Dr. C.B. Majumdar: Asst. Professor: Chemical Engg. 5321: 5059 : 6: Dr. S.M. Sondhi: Professor: Chemistry
Vikas Pruthi 20. Dr. Himadri Nandan Bar 58. Dr. Mohd. Aqil 21. Dr. Satchidanda Dehuri 59. Dr. B. Parimala Devi 22. Dr. Satadal Ghorai 60. Dr. Tony J. Puthenpurakal 23.
Anindita Mukerjee and Vikas Pruthi; Hatching profiles of brine shrimp Artemia salina. Aninda Das, M. Vijayakumaran, R. Venkatesan and M ...
Dr. Vikas Pruthi : MHRD : 18.00 : Candida Biofilms: Molecular Analysis of its Formation and Control”-do-DBT: 16.40: Bioremediation of oily sludge contaminated soil using microbial ...
Dr. Vikas Pruthi (Assistant Professor) Department of Biotechnology Indian Institute of Technology
... Marine Meteorology), Ministry of Agriculture 11 2009/18/03 Deputy Superintending 1 Vikas Pruthi (31) F.1/135 ...
Dr. Vikas Pruthi: Professor: Biotechnology: 5530: 5110: 9837185707: 5: Dr. C.B. Majumdar: Asst. Professor: Chemical Engg. 5321: 5059 : 6: Dr. S.M. Sondhi: Professor: Chemistry
Vikas Pruthi 20. Dr. Himadri Nandan Bar 58. Dr. Mohd. Aqil 21. Dr. Satchidanda Dehuri 59. Dr. B. Parimala Devi 22. Dr. Satadal Ghorai 60. Dr. Tony J. Puthenpurakal 23.