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Check out Javed Akhtar biography & filmography, Javed Akhtar 's photos, wallpapers & movie stills, Javed Akhtar interviews and videos from Yahoo! India Movies.
Check out Farhan Akhtar biography & filmography, Farhan Akhtar 's photos, wallpapers & movie stills, Farhan Akhtar interviews and videos from Yahoo! India Movies.
Check out Javed Akhtar biography & filmography, Javed Akhtar 's photos, wallpapers & movie stills, Javed Akhtar interviews and videos from Yahoo! India Movies.
Check out Farhan Akhtar biography & filmography, Farhan Akhtar 's photos, wallpapers & movie stills, Farhan Akhtar interviews and videos from Yahoo! India Movies.